Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Veritas Volume Manager - Quick Start Command Reference

Setting Up Your File System

Make a VxFS file system - mkfs –F vxfs [generic_options] [-o vxfs_options] char_device [size]
Mount a file system - mount –F vxfs [generic_options] [-o vxfs_options] block_device mount_point
Unmount a file system - umount mount_point
Determine file system type - fstype [-v] block_device
Report free blocks/inodes - df –F vxfs [generic_options] [-o s] mount_point
Check/repair a file system - fsck –F vxfs [generic_options] [y|Y] [n|N] character_device

Online Administration

Resize a file system - fasdm [-b newsize] [-r raw_device] mount_point
Dump a file system - vxdump [options] mount_point
Restore a file system - vxrestore [options] mount_point
Create a snapshot file system - mount –F vxfs –o snapof=source_block_device,[snapsize=size] destination_block_device snap_mount_point
Create a storage checkpoint - fsckptadm [-nruv] create ckpt_name mount_point
List storage checkpoints - fsckptadm [-clv] list mount_point
Remove a checkpoint - fsckptadm [-sv] remove ckpt_name mount_point
Mount a checkpoint - mount –F vxfs –o ckpt=ckpt_name pseudo_device mount_point
Unmount a checkpoint - umount mount_point
Change checkpoint attributes - fsckptadm [-sv] set [nodata|nomount|remove] ckpt_name
Upgrade the VxFS layout - vxupgrade [-n new_version] [-r raw_device] mount_point
Display layout version - vxupgrade mount_point

Defragmenting a file system

Report on directory fragmentation - fsadm –D mount_point
Report on extent fragmentation - fsadm –E [-l largesize] mount_point
Defragment directories - fsadm –d mount_point
Defragment extents - fsadm –e mount_point
Reorganize a file system to support files > 2GB - fsadm –o largefiles mount_point

Intent Logging, I/O Types, and Cache Advisories

Change default logging behavior - fsck –F vxfs [generic_options] –o delaylog|tmplog|nodatainlog|blkclear block_device mount_point
Change how VxFS handles buffered I/O operations - mount –F vxfs [generic_options] –o mincache=closesync|direct|dsync|unbuffered| tmpcache block_device mount_point
Change how VxFS handles I/O requests for files opened with O_SYNC and O_DSYNC - mount –F vxfs [generic_options] –o convosync=closesync|direct|dsync|unbuffered |delay block_device mount_point

Quick I/O

Enable Quick I/O at mount - mount –F vxfs –o qio mount_point
Disable Quick I/O - mount –F vxfs –o noqio mount_point
Treat a file as a raw character device - filename::cdev:vxfs:
Create a Quick I/O file through a symbolic link - qiomkfile [-h header_size] [-a] [-s size] [-e|-r size] file
Get Quick I/O statistics - qiostat [-i interval][-c count] [-l] [-r] file
Enable cached QIO for all files in a file system - vxtunefs –s –o qio_cache_enable=1 mnt_point
Disable cached QIO for a file - qioadmin –S filename=OFF mount_point


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